Recently a client approached us with a unique project. The company has a secondary brand that needed a separate web presence from their main brand. The project was unique because as a secondary brand the client planned to retain all of the same color brandings; they just wanted to host the content on a separate domain. Thankfully since the client was already on HubSpot, the entire project planning and set up was undertaken and completed in under a week’s time.
The Project
The client asked us to adjust their current templates and set up a lite version of the site for the secondary brand. When we started the project, the client had already created new logos for the brand that fit within its current brand standards. The lite version of the site included a standard page template, blog template, landing page template, and one feature page template.
The Work
In many ways this project was easy. In fact, it took less than 10 hours for the project from start to finish. The project did involve a few technical hurdles to overcome but nothing major. The project started by duplicating the templates for each of the page styles needed. After copying the page templates, we then had to copy the global header and footer. We duplicated all three of these to make sure the branding fit the new brand and did not include the existing branding. Once copied we were able to update the logos in the header and footer and begin adjusting the menus for the new site.
It was at this point we encountered a few technical issues. The first had to do with the way we established the fixed scrolling navigation for the site. The navigation was attached to some of the original CSS, and we had to bring a developer into the project to make sure the navigation displayed correctly. While the developer was working on the navigation, we also had to have two things adjusted in the footer – an embedded watermark, and the HubSpot branded site copyright.
Once we had these few tasks completed the client was able to begin adding the new content for the secondary brand to the site.
The Results
There is no hard and fast data to go with this project. Instead, we wanted to debrief the project and discuss how we would love to help other companies in this position in the future. Overall, we estimated the project would take 5-7 hours. We hit that goal, and the client was impressed. We did not expect the small technical hiccups, but ultimately it was not anything that was out of our wheelhouse. Moving forward, we would love to assist any organization that is looking to duplicate their site templates onto a new domain. With HubSpot Marketing Enterprise, organizations are able to use multiple domains within the same HubSpot portal. A template duplication project would be great for franchises or businesses that setup local location-based websites. Organizations would be able to duplicate site templates very quickly and set up sites at a moment’s notice. We have the knowledge and the capabilities to do this and would love to assist.